Exceptional production capacity and remarkable efficiency.

Originating in Holland, the Holstein is the dairy breed par excellence. This breed has won over breeders all over the world for its high dairy potential, which can reach over 10,000kg of milk in a single lactation. Holsteins are the leading dairy breed in France, with 2.6 million animals in the country, representing 64% of dairy cows in 2021. Recognized by their black piebald coat, there is also a red piebald variety (Red Holstein) that is becoming increasingly popular. Black and white variegation is highly variable, ranging from very limited (almost black animals) to very invasive (predominantly white animals).

Prim’Holstein is a breed that embodies innovation and productivity in the dairy sector, with genetic qualities that support high milk production, good health and morphological traits adapted to an intensive breeding environment. Its genetic heritage is essential for breeders seeking to continuously improve the performance and viability of their herds.