Recognized for its rigorous, scientific approach to bovine assessment

Precision and Passion: The keys to excellence in genetic selection of Limousin bulls

The Moussours evaluation station, a pillar of expertise in bovine selection, has reached a crucial milestone with the conclusion of evaluations for the first batch of Limousin bulls. Limousin bulls at the Moussours station: In the silence of dawn, the bulls patiently await their passage. The end-of-cycle evaluations for the first batch have just been completed, marking a decisive moment for these purebred cattle. Precision and expertise during bull evaluations: Moussours technicians, armed with their know-how and measuring tapes, carried out the external evaluations, precisely measuring pelvic openings and scrupulously noting skeletal development scores, vital factors in the selection of future breeding stock. Exchanges between breeders and technicians on breeding strategies: Collaboration is essential at Moussours. Breeders and technicians get together to discuss the results of the evaluations, a practice that underlines the synergy between field experience and scientific expertise, key elements in refining breeding strategies for the Limousin breed. The results of these assessments are now pending, while the station prepares for the final session in February. The anticipation is palpable, with all eyes riveted on the future, envisioning the remarkable potential these young sires will bring to the industry. Moussours is committed to a relentless quest for excellence, promising not only to perpetuate the purity and exceptional qualities of the Limousin breed, but also to constantly improve the health, productivity and, by extension, the profitability of its members’ farms. It is in this determination that the very essence of the French bovine tradition lies, combining pride in the past with innovation for the future.

The PLAITqms index, specific to the station, is a precise reflection of milk production calculated by the difference in weight of calves before and after suckling, at critical moments in their development. This unique method, which requires no external supplementation, enables us to assess the natural ability of primiparous females to support the growth of their offspring.

The control procedure is meticulously orchestrated:

  1. The calves are separated from their mothers the day before the test for a 12-hour fasting period.
  2. Weighed on an empty stomach in the morning, they then join their mothers for a carefully supervised feed.
  3. The duration of feeding varies according to the mother’s milk capacity, ensuring accurate measurement.
  4. After feeding, calves are immediately weighed to avoid weight loss due to post-feeding activities.
  5. The couples are separated again for another fasting period before the second check-up of the day.
  6. The sum of the morning and evening milk quantities gives the total daily production, with an increased weight for production at 120 days to favour cows with long-lasting lactation.

Historical data show an average milk production of 6 kg at Moussours, with a spectrum ranging from 1 to 13 kg. It is noticeable that production levels below 4 kg are a significant brake on calf growth, while production levels above 7.5 kg guarantee optimal growth, without the need for supplementation.

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